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Chocolate-filled Cottage cheese Dumplings That Will Make Your Cottage Feel Cozier Than Ever!

Chocolate-filled cottage cheese Dumplings That Will Make Your Cottage Feel Cozier Than Ever!

In this video, we'll show you how to make chocolate filled cottage cheese dumplings, a delicious and simple dish that will make you feel right at home. We'll also show you how to add a bit of chocolate flavor to the dumplings to make them extra delicious. Whether you're planning a quick weekend getaway or just want to make your cottage feel a little bit more like home, these cottage cheese dumplings are the perfect recipe!


500 g cottage cheese

3 eggs

100 g corn flour

100 g flour

100 g graham cracker crumbs


100 g chocolate, chopped


Instructions for Cottage cheese dumplings:

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add the eggs, flours, and salt. Mix well.

Form small balls from the cottage cheese mixture, and place a piece of chocolate in the center of each ball.

Cook in boiling, salted water for 5-7 minutes.

Place the cooked dumplings in a bowl of graham cracker crumbs and roll them around to coat.

Nutritional information:

One serving (100 g) of cottage dumplings has the following nutritional information:

Calories: 250 kcal

Fat: 15 g

Carbohydrates: 13 g

Protein: 10 g

Chef tips:

Cottage dumplings can also be served with vanilla ice cream. To do this, place the cottage dumplings on a plate and drizzle with vanilla ice cream.

Cottage dumplings can also be served with vanilla sour cream. To do this, place the cottage dumplings on a plate and drizzle with vanilla sour cream.

Cottage dumplings can also be served with jam, syrup, or vanilla powdered sugar.

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