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Sumptuous Strawberry Delight Cake

Embark on a journey of exquisite flavours with our Sumptuous Strawberry Delight Cake. This cake embodies the enchanting taste of ripe strawberries, harmoniously balanced with tender sweetness.

Strawberry Cake
Strawberry Cake

Its captivating aroma and delightful texture make it a perfect treat for any occasion, infusing moments with a touch of berry-filled luxury.

The best cookie I've had in years. Thank you! –Paula Williams

Here, it’s time to write your first, mouth-watering paragraph. Whether it's a cookie or a tart, every enticing recipe post starts with a good origin story. Describe how you came up with this recipe, what inspired you, what your family or friends liked most about it, etc. Hook readers in and show off your personality by being open and honest, or even funny! Include a number of undeniably tempting pictures under your first paragraph to get your reader enthusiastic.

Strawberry Cake


250g fresh strawberries (pureed)

200g unsalted butter (softened)

200g caster sugar

4 large eggs

200g self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder

A pinch of salt

Nutrition Information (per serving):

Calories: Approximately 280

Fat: Around 12g

Carbohydrates: Approximately 38g

Protein: About 4.5g

Strawberry Cake
Strawberry Cake


Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and generously grease a cake tin.

Begin by creaming together the softened butter and caster sugar in a mixing bowl, creating a light and creamy mixture.

Gradually incorporate the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Sift in the self-raising flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt, gently folding the dry ingredients into the batter until combined.

Introduce the pureed strawberries to the batter, infusing it with the delightful essence of fresh berries.

Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin, ensuring an even distribution.

Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre emerges clean.

Once baked, allow the cake to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes, then transfer it to a wire rack for complete cooling.

Preparation Time: Approximately 25 minutes

Total Time: Around 1 hour (including baking and cooling time)


This recipe yields a delectable Strawberry Cake that serves approximately 8 individuals, making it a delightful centrepiece for gatherings or an indulgent personal treat.

Chef's Tip:

Elevate the strawberry experience by garnishing each slice with a few fresh strawberry slices or a drizzle of strawberry compote. The extra burst of berry flavour will enchant your palate.

Strawberry Cake History:

Strawberries, a symbol of indulgence, have been cherished in culinary history for centuries. Their natural sweetness and vibrant colour inspired the creation of delightful strawberry-based desserts, including the iconic Strawberry Cake. From ancient Roman feasts to modern-day celebrations, the allure of strawberries has remained timeless. Our Sumptuous Strawberry Delight Cake is a tribute to this enduring love affair with the sweet charm of strawberries.

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